Gym Clothing - What to wear at the Gym

The Quick Clothing Guide to Comfort, Performance, and Gym Etiquette

Gym Clothing in Fitness Zürich

It’s no secret that working out in an inclusive and welcoming environment is one of the best things for a Gym experience. But while hitting the gym is essential, what you wear during your workout can make a bigger difference than you might think. The right gym clothing isn’t just about looking good; it directly impacts your performance, comfort, and popularity.

In this guide, we’ll break down the some aspects of gym clothing, covering everything from fabric choices to footwear and even a few things you should definitely leave at home.


Your gym outfit does more than just complete the look—it enhances your workout experience. The right clothing helps regulate body temperature, prevents injuries, and allows for a full range of motion. The wrong choice, like a cotton shirt that clings to sweat or loose pants that trip you up, can make workouts unnecessarily challenging. Investing in the right gear ensures you stay comfortable, focused, and motivated.


1. Choosing the Right Materials

When it comes to gym wear, fabric matters. Choose materials designed for athletic use to keep you dry, comfortable, and irritation-free.

  • Sweat-wicking fabrics: Polyester blends and nylon help keep sweat off your skin.

  • Breathability: Look for mesh panels or ventilation features to stay cool during workouts.

  • Avoid heavy cotton: Cotton absorbs sweat and can become heavy and uncomfortable.

2. Fit and Functionality

Fit is just as important as fabric. Your gym clothes should allow a full range of motion without being too restrictive or too baggy.

  • Compression wear: Great for weightlifting, running, and reducing muscle fatigue.

  • Flexible leggings and shorts: Ideal for mobility in activities like yoga and HIIT workouts.

  • Loose tops with well-fitted bottoms: Good for cardio-focused exercises where airflow matters.

3. Footwear Essentials (or Lack Thereof)

Your choice of shoes can make or break your workout. Different workouts require different footwear:

  • Running shoes: Cushioned for shock absorption.

  • Weightlifting shoes: Stable, flat soles for improved balance.

  • Cross-training shoes: A versatile option for various gym activities.

  • Barefoot training: Yes, it’s welcome in our gym—provided your feet are freshly washed. No one wants an HIOW (High Intensity Olfactory Workout). 

Wearing the wrong footwear—or failing to wash your feet—can increase your risk of injury and make you significantly less popular in the gym community.

4. Accessories and Layers

A few extra items can make your workouts even more comfortable and effective:

  • Compression gear: Helps with blood flow and muscle recovery.

  • Workout gloves: Protect your hands during weightlifting.

  • Hoodies or lightweight jackets: Perfect for warming up and cooling down.


the wrong gym clothing can decrease popularity

While personal style is important, gym etiquette and hygiene should be top priorities. Some clothing choices can be distracting, impractical, or even uncomfortable for others—especially in a shared workout space and partner workouts.

Avoid wearing:
  • Overly short or tight shorts: They may ride up or restrict movement.

  • Extremely revealing clothing: While confidence is great, very revealing outfits can make your teammates uncomfortable—especially during partner exercises. Keeping things appropriately covered ensures a respectful, distraction-free environment for everyone.

  • Super loose tank tops or low-cut shirts: These can lead to excessive sweat transfer on shared equipment (which nobody enjoys).

  • Worn-out or dirty gym clothes: Freshly washed attire is non-negotiable. Sweat-covered, days-old outfits are not only unpleasant for those around you but can also harbor bacteria.

  • Smelling like you just ran a marathon through a swamp: Wearing clean clothes, applying deodorant, and maintaining good hygiene won’t just make you more pleasant to be around—it’ll also increase your chances of making friends and blending into the gym community. Trust us on this one.

Dressing appropriately shows respect for yourself, your workout, and those training alongside you.

the right gym clothing in our gym

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